Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen

Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen

A handy list when shopping for fresh produce.

Herbicide and Pesticide residue on fruit and vegetables has been linked to a long list of health issues including certain cancers, symptoms of ADHD, autism, and Parkinson’s.

US-based Environmental Working Group has released its annual list of those foods most (and least) affected by herbicide and pesticide residue. The lists are based on studies into American produce but illustrate the need for us to take care in choosing produce whether imported, or produced on conventional farms using toxic chemicals.

It should be noted that while these lists focus on pesticides and herbicides, they are not looking into GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms), plants that have their fundamental characteristics altered by biotechnology. Foods containing GMO’s should be avoided.

Despite claims by a spokesperson at Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) that Australia uses DIFFERENT herbicides and pesticides and that levels are strictly set, these lists are ARE applicable to Australians.

Often ‘safe’ levels of these highly toxic chemicals are discussed but when the possible problems include disrupting the endocrine system, ADHD, lowering IQ’s, learning and behavioural problems and possible increases in Lymphoblastic Leukemia in children, we would be wise to question whether ANY level is truly safe.

If you are committed to nourishing yourself and/or your family with wholesome foods but are struggling to swallow some of the prices for organic products here is a list to help you choose foods that are safer when organic and those that are OK to buy conventional.

Farmers Markets are a great place to buy produce that may not be certified organic but will likely be chemical free. Check with the market stall holder and enjoy the savings on delicious wholefoods. Home delivery fruit and veggie boxes are another way to ensure you’re getting good quality produce at reasonable prices. Get to know and love your local farmers!

The Dirty Dozen (2023)

Best to buy organic or spray-free

  1. Strawberries

  2. Spinach

  3. Kale, collard and mustard greens

  4. Peaches

  5. Pears

  6. Nectarines

  7. Apples

  8. Grapes

  9. Bell and hot peppers

  10. Cherries

  11. Blueberries

  12. Green beans

The Clean 15 (2023)

Ok to buy conventional

  1. Avocados

  2. Sweet corn

  3. Pineapples

  4. Onions

  5. Papayas

  6. Sweet peas

  7. Asparagus

  8. Honeydew melons

  9. Kiwi

  10. Cabbage

  11. Mushrooms

  12. Mangoes

  13. Sweet potatoes

  14. Watermelon

  15. Carrots


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